
Er forskningssystemet i krise?

Handelshøyskolen BI inviterer til boklansering med debatt den 7. september på campus i Oslo.

Boka som presenteres er Morten Huses Resolving the crisis in research by changing the game.

Huse spør:

«Is it a crisis in academic research, and how do we solve it? True scholarship is under attack, and there is a scholarly ecosystem equilibrium that is supporting a ‘publish or perish’ culture. Fortunately, there are many initiatives to change the equilibrium of this ecosystem. My particular contribution is to present and illustrate a sharing philosophy of research and scholarship.»

Per Koch fra Forskningspolitikk leder paneldebatten, der blant andre statssekretær Aase Marthe J. Horrigmo og direktør John-Arne Røttingen deltar.

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